From KARTSANA we have carried out a series of actions in collaboration with various universities, in this opportunity, we have shared our experience of the Industry 4.0 success story that has been working in recent years in the company. Together with the EUSS, a masterclass was organised for students of Industrial Organisation Engineering, followed by a visit to our facilities in Sant Quirze del Vallés.
From theory to practice
The aim of this visit was to allow students to understand, in a practical way, the applicability of the theoretical concepts of project management and innovation management in a productive company. The mentioned purpose consists of:
- How projects are managed in a company by the technical office of industrial engineering.
- How the company is moving towards Industry 4.0, with its corresponding expansion, growth and management of knowledge, change, human resources and innovation.
The importance of standardising processes.
Sharing the content generated from these actions with universities allows us to put a success story in context, as an example of a demonstration of quality and standardisation in processes. This will allow synergies for the development of future projects of the students.
Some comments left by the students about the masterclass and the visit to the factory
“We have been able to see how the theory and what we see in class is applied into reality, and the work involved in making this digital and physical change.”
“I have been surprised how KARTSANA has solved the issue of the new factory layout and the new production rhythm in such a short time”.
“I appreciate this very practical view of what we are studying”.
“The functionalities and the variety of stretchers, as well as the constant innovation process that the company is carrying out, are remarkable”.
“Interesting to see how they have applied certain processes in the production of the stretcher and to see the numerical control milling machine in operation”.
“Interesting to know how they are organised and optimised to work more efficiently, quickly and with quality, as well as the future plans of how to continue with this improvement”.
“I found it interesting how KARTSANA has segmented the customers and how they have been oriented to meet their needs, I think it is a very strong point that this company has”.
“It is a luxury to have the processes explained to you directly by one of the sales representatives, the head of marketing and the production managers”.